

The Mobi system


Compact, Complete freedom of movement, no compromise recording


輕巧 , 方便攜帶 , 移動下不影響紀錄


The Mobi system is a multichannel system to measure a variety of (electro)-physiological signals in the field of human movement sciences, rehabilitation, ergonomics, sports and telemedicine.



The flexible and modular concept  of the Mobi offers a wide range of configurations and user definable measurements. For example EMG, EEG, ECG, position, force, movements, temperature, respiration and a lot of other parameters can be measured. It can further be configured with a digital input for SpO2. 



The design of the Mobi integrates the true DC reference amplifier. The active shielding guarantees optimal signal quality, no mains or other interference and no movement artefacts.



The Mobi is designed for ambulatory measurements, but can be used stationary as well.  In stationary use, the data is directly sent to a PC by BlueTooth wireless telemetry. Thus the user has optimal freedom during the measurement. And of course it is possible to store the data locally on a flash disk up to 1 Gbyte.


Mobi門診測量設計上。可固定安裝使用數據透過藍牙無線遙控或傳送到資料至PC因此,使用者在測量過程中的更加自由暫存硬碟容量可1 GB

In telemedicine applications it is even possible to send the data by BlueTooth to a mobile phone, and via the internet directly to the research centre or the hospital.



The Mobi is carried in a pouch on the subject's belt and powered by only 2 AA batteries.


Mobi可放置在受測者腰帶,只需2 AA電池供電

* no movement artifacts

* from DC to maximum sample frequency
* up to 8 channels
* digital input for SpO2
* 24 hours recording
* up to 1 Gbyte internal storage 
* Bluetooth® telemetry


* 沒有動作電赫干擾
* 直流高取樣率

* 多至8個頻道

* 數位輸入的血氧飽和度

* 24 小時紀錄

* 高達 1 G 的內部儲存
* 藍芽 ® 遙測